Welcome to the Human Race – An Ash Wednesday Sermon, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21

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A couple of years ago I was talking with a women who is and has been for many years my therapist, counselor, mentor, and teacher all rolled into one. I told her that I worked really hard to always get it right, to have the answer, to always know what to do, to speak the right words, to be strong and in control, to do the right thing, to make the best choices, to accomplish everything I set out do to and to accomplish them with perfection. On and on I went describing the expectations I had for myself. Then I told her, “It’s not working. I can’t hold it all together. Things aren’t turning out like I planned and intended.”

When she stopped laughing she said, “Well, welcome to the human race. Who do you think you are?” She could just as well have said, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”

Ash Wednesday, Lent, Sermon, Mortality, Immortality, Matthew 6:1-6 16-21Somewhere along the way I had forgotten that. I had forgotten my dustiness. I had forgotten my mortality. I had forgotten that I am human, a creation of God. Note that I did not say that I am “only human” as if my humanity was some kind of deficiency, excuse, or justification. That’s not what it means to remember that we are dust and to dust we shall return. Likewise those words are not a threat of death or a judgment that we are bad or of no value. To hear those words and remember our dustiness, our mortality, is the first step in healing the many ways our lives become distorted and disrupted. It is the beginning of reordering our lives and establishing them in Christ rather than in what we have done or left undone.

Your list of expectations for yourself and intentions for your life may be different from mine but I’ll bet you have a list. I’ll bet there have been times when that list no longer served you but you served the list. I’ll bet there have been times when it wasn’t working for you and you could no longer hold it all together. I’ll bet there have been times when you too have forgotten your dustiness.

Whether it’s fear, arrogance, pride, delusion, ignorance, denial, wounds and pain, the illusions of success and accomplishments, or a thousand other things, something happens and we forget. We forget that we are dust and to dust we shall return.

When we forget our dustiness, our mortality, our human nature, we begin practicing our piety, our life, before others; hoping to be seen, recognized, and praised. We trade the secret and eternal rewards of the Father for the public and passing opinions of others. The treasures of being seen, recognized, and praised by others look pretty today but tomorrow are rusty, moth-eaten, and easily stolen by a change in opinion. (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21) That means the day after tomorrow we must seek new treasures. When we do, the cycle begins again. Each time the cycle repeats itself we move deeper into forgetfulness, convinced that it all depends on us.

Having forgotten our own mortality, we have no need for the immortality of God, the immortality offered us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I can’t help but wonder if that forgetting might not be the birthplace of sin, the distortion of who we are and the disruption of our relationships with God, each other, and ourselves.

Ash Wednesday interrupts the cycle of forgetfulness. It declares that enough is enough. There is another way. “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”

I hear those words with a sense of relief. I take comfort in being marked with the ashes of mortality. Those ashes and words return me to myself so that I might return to God. My heart is broken open, my defenses crumble, and my list of expectations, intentions, and plans no longer control or determine my life. I am freed to live a different way, emboldened to reflect honestly on my life, and empowered to change and go in a different direction. I am returned to a new beginning when “the Lord God formed [me] from the dust of the ground, and breathed into [my] nostrils the breath of life; and [I] became a living being” (Genesis 2:7).

It’s Ash Wednesday. Welcome to the human race.

© Michael K. Marsh and Interrupting the Silence, 2009-2024, all rights reserved.

16 responses to “Welcome to the Human Race – An Ash Wednesday Sermon, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21”

  1. philandjanrees Avatar

    What a wonderful ‘down to earth’ piece of prose. Needed to read this right this moment. Many thanks. Blessings!


    1. Michael K. Marsh Avatar

      Thank you for your presence on my blog and your encouraging words.

      Blessings for a holy Lent,


  2. Jimisu Stuckey Avatar
    Jimisu Stuckey

    Thank you Mike .. It was too cold n Philly for me to get out for Ash Wed.. But did have my BCP w/me so read the service.. prayed.. & made a list of those things I “expected ” to do…ha.. Love u & Cyndy! js

    Sent from my iPhone


    1. Michael K. Marsh Avatar

      I know about that list and expectations!

      Peace and a holy Lent to you,


  3. wordfromsilence Avatar

    Wondering about the action done on Ash Wednesday, or any beginning of Lenten Season, be it Eastern or Western!
    I attended a funeral on Ash Wednesday – Eastern Orthodox – there was no dust-soil to strew upon the casket since there were tons and tons of snow on the ground! Therefore the celebrant spread “snow” upon the casket . . . for the “Memory Eternal” ! So, what is the difference between “dust to dust” and “snow to snow” ? One uses the “Sacrament of remembering” to forster the “Remember, Oh man that you are dust, and to dust you must return!” Life and Death are such a mystery! Just scratching the surface in view of the vision of Christ’s Resurrection from the dead after the passage of the 40 days/ nights/ years, in the desert be they in the dust or snow, there is a barrenness that pushes one to “REMEMBER”. . . and to be “vigilant and attentive” on how I am called to “remember” today, that I am sealed with the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ!
    Thank you Father Mike for your inspiring words, which point to the Truth for me today!


    1. Michael K. Marsh Avatar

      “Life and death are such a mystery!” Yes, and I too often say or try to say more than I really know or can know. The image of the melting snow and remembering is good, thank you for that. Blowing dust, scattered ashes, melting snow all call us to remember.

      Please remember me in your prayers. I shall remember you.

      Peace be with you,


  4. Stephanie Avatar

    Oh how I laughed! Not only do we forget our “dustiness” but we also forget where the duster is in our messy old cupboards of fretting and busyness! You must write a book Mike! It would be a best seller. With a picture of a duster on the cover. Love this. x


    1. Michael K. Marsh Avatar

      Always good to hear from you Stephanie. I hope you are well. I like the duster image. 🙂

      Peace be with you,


  5. Janna Avatar

    Thank you, Michael. You write about many things I am trying to work on within myself this Lent. I always enjoy your writings.


    1. Michael K. Marsh Avatar

      Janna, thank you for reading my blog. I am glad the posts speak to your life and I am hope they are helpful.

      Blessings for a holy a Lent,


  6. evask50 Avatar

    Reblogged this on stillnessandpeace and commented:
    A wonderful reminder.


  7. Steven T. Avatar
    Steven T.

    Thank you, Father Mike, for another brilliant sermon, full of things I need to hear right now. I recently discovered your blog (and your change in vocation) and am trying to ration myself and not binge-read the older posts. When we shared an office at law school thirty years ago I knew you were going to be a great lawyer – who could have dreamed you would also be such a wonderful Priest? So many surprises in life for which I am thankful …


    1. Michael K. Marsh Avatar

      Steven, how wonderful to hear from you and reconnect in this way after all the years. I hope the sermon was meaningful and do appreciate you reading my blog. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words.

      Peace be with you,


  8. solidgoldcreativity Avatar

    Wonderful post! Our dustiness is lovely. It is the source of all that is magnificent. I love this line in particular: “When we forget our dustiness, our mortality, our human nature, we begin practicing our piety, our life, before others; hoping to be seen, recognized, and praised.”


  9. […] ~ Father Mike on remembering we are human beings, that dust is our source and completion, and dustiness, who we are. Read him here: Welcome to the human race. […]


  10. The Promise of Interruption – A Sermon on the Annunciation, Luke 1:26-38 | Interrupting the Silence Avatar

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