When Pictures Become Windows – A Sermon on the Transfiguration, Mark 9:2-9

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On the Last Sunday after Epiphany we hear the story of the transfiguration. The collect and readings may be found here. The following sermon is based on St. Mark’s account of the transfiguration, Mark 9:2-9.

Icon of the Transfiguration

There are times in our lives when we look around and wonder, “Is this all there is?” Sometimes it’s just a passing question, other times it’s for a season. We look at our life, our circumstances, and we want more. There is a restlessness, a searching, and longing for something else. Some call it a mid-life crisis. It can make us do crazy things – this searching and seeking. We get a new job, a new car, a new relationship. Maybe we take up a new hobby, go on a trip, or work extra hours. But not much changes.

It is not about the circumstances of life. It’s about us. The restlessness, the desire for something more, generally means that we have been living life at the shallow end of the pool. Life and relationships have become superficial. We have been skimming across the surface. In some ways life at the surface is easier, more efficient, encouraged and rewarded by much of the world today.  It fails, however, to see and experience that the world is already transfigured and creation is filled with the divine light.

Life on the surface keeps us judging the circumstances. We look at the our circumstances as a picture. If it is pretty, pleasing, and shows us what we want to see then God is good and life is as it should be. When we don’t see what we want then we often look for a new picture. The restless searching, the longing for more, the desire for meaning are not, however, usually answered by changed circumstances. The answer is found in depth, intimacy, and the vulnerability of the interior journey.

We do not need to see new things. We need to see the same old things with new eyes. We do not need to hear a different voice. We need to hear the same old voice with different ears. We do not need to escape the circumstances of our life. We need to be more fully present to those circumstances. When this happens life is no longer lived at the surface. These are the transfigured moments, moments when the picture of our life has becomes a window into a new world and we come face to face with the glory of God.

Most of us, I think, seek God in the circumstances of life. We want God to show up, be present, and do something. This is the God who does. This is the God described in Mark’s gospel up to the point of today’s reading. We might think about this as the first part of the spiritual journey. It is the journey of discovering God in the circumstances. This is what the disciples have been doing.

They have seen Jesus cast our demons, heal Peter’s mother in law, and cure the sick of Capernaum. He’s cleansed the leper and made a withered hand new and strong. Paralytics now walk, the blind see, and thousands are fed. This is the God about whom people talk, the God that gets “likes” and “shares” on Facebook.

At some point we must, however, begin to discover the God who is beyond the circumstances. This is the God who is. This is the second part of the spiritual journey. Jesus is leading Peter, James and John, up the mountain to discover the God who is beyond circumstances. Here their pictures of life’s circumstances will become windows by which they move into the depths of God’s life, God’s light, and God’s love.

There on the mountain they saw Jesus “transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no one on earth could bleach them.” The cloud overshadowed them and the Father’s voice spoke of his beloved son. Peter wants to build dwelling places. He wants to frame Jesus, Elijah, and Moses. “It is good for us to be here,” he says. He wants to preserve it. He wants to take a picture.

Pictures, however, are static. On the Mount of Transfiguration our pictures of life’s circumstances become windows through which we step into a new world, a new way of seeing, a new way of hearing, and new way of being. That’s what happened for Peter, James, and John. Jesus did not suddenly light up and become something he was not. No, their eyes were healed and opened so they could see Jesus as he had always been. The voice in the cloud was not new. Their ears were opened and they heard the voice that has never ceased speaking from the beginning. The transfiguration is as much about them as it is Jesus. Whenever our picture of life’s circumstances becomes a window into new life we stand in a transfigured moment. Circumstances haven’t changed. We have changed and that seems to change everything.

Those transfigured moments are all around. Every one of us could tell a story about stepping back from the picture of our life, seeing with new eyes, listening with different ears, and discovering a window that opened into another world and another way of being.

Maybe it was the day you revealed to another person the secret you had carried for years. In telling the secret the picture of your life as one of guilt and shame became an open window through which you stepped. The darkness gave way to light, the chains fell off, and forgiveness overcame sin. I will never forget the day we buried our older son. We came home from the cemetery and I was lying on the bed. I could not see him but he was present – a little boy being given a piggyback ride. I could not touch him but I felt the warmth of his life, his weight on my back, and his right knee gouging my ribs as he bounced up and down. The picture of death and loss had become a window through I stepped into the mystery of life, hope, and resurrection. Think about the day you held your child for the very first time. Yes, it was a picture of a newborn but it was also a window through which you stepped and were forever changed. You experienced a new vocation as a parent. You became a part of the mystery of creation. The Lord’s glory surely shone as much in your hands that day as it did on the mount of transfiguration 2000 years ago.

I remember speaking with a woman who was dying. Together we talked, laughed, cried, and sat in silence. She said she had had some “experiences.” She had visions and heard voices. “Is that real? Is it normal?” “Yes, absolutely.” The picture of her life as one of cancer, pain, and suffering had become an open window through which she stepped. She began to understand that in the midst of her cancer she was already being healed. “There is so much more going on than we usually see or know,” she said. The tears and fear are real but just as real is the voice that says to her, “Oh my daughter, my beloved, you are already ok.” Those windows are everywhere if we have eyes to see and ears to hear.

We often want to go back to those transfigured moments. We are tempted to build dwellings places for those moments. Booths, dwelling places, will only keep us in the past. To the extent we cling to the past we close ourselves to the future God offers. So Jesus, Peter, James, and John came back down the mountain. They could not stay there but neither did they leave the mountain. They took it with them. It is what would carry them through the passion and crucifixion to the resurrection.

Transfigured moments change us, sustain us, prepare us, encourage us, and guide us into the future regardless of the circumstances we face. They show us who we are. We are the transfigured people of God. Open your eyes and see a transfigured world. Open your ears and hear the transfiguring voice. Open your heart and become a transfigured life.

Every picture of life is an open window that says, “No, this is not all there is.”

© Michael K. Marsh and Interrupting the Silence, 2009-2024, all rights reserved.

28 responses to “When Pictures Become Windows – A Sermon on the Transfiguration, Mark 9:2-9”

  1. Brother James Avatar

    A masterful sermon, my friend.


    1. marshmk Avatar

      Thank you Br. James. I do appreciate your encouraging words.

      Peace, Mike+


  2. Matt Avatar

    Thanks for this, Mike. Well done. I am edified.


    1. marshmk Avatar

      Thanks Matt. May God bless your Lenten journey to Pascha.



  3. Kathy Avatar

    The perfect message for this week as I go into a few days of personal retreat – thank you.


    1. marshmk Avatar

      Thank you Kathy. I hope the retreat is for you a window into the divine life. May it offer you rest, silence, and the richness of God’s presence.

      Peace, Mike+


  4. Pam Gouverne Avatar
    Pam Gouverne

    Dear Mike,
    Thanks for the wonderful message. It was so timely. I came home from Council empty and wondering-is this all there is??? Brief conversations with so many people that mean so much more. Your sermon was very helpful and brought tears to my eyes and my heart.
    thank you,
    Pam Gouverne


    1. marshmk Avatar

      Pam, I am glad the sermon was helpful. “Is this all there is?” I think that question is, in some way, our experience of God’s longing for us, a reminder that the window never closes.

      Peace, Mike+


  5. Ron Johnson Avatar

    Beautifully said! I’m especially struck by your observation that Christ didn’t just “light up” before the disciples, but that the disciples were themselves transformed so that they could see Christ as he had always been. That is indeed the challenge before each of us… in each new moment… in every place we happen to be. Thank you for that wonderful challenge!


    1. marshmk Avatar

      Thank you Ron. Too really see Christ is to begin to get a glimpse of ourselves. One of my favorite invitations to the Eucharist comes from the Society of St. John the Evangelist in Cambridge, MA: “Behold what you are; become what you see.”

      Peace, Mike+


  6. Olive Twist Avatar

    Thank you for this fresh reminder about transfigured moments. It is so important to remember them from time to time. Your words are so rich and deep. Peace be with you.


    1. marshmk Avatar

      Olive Twist, thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I hope the Lent journey blesses and carries you into the resurrected life.



  7. Don Avatar

    Thanks Mike – wonderfully insightful. I really warm to these words and what follows:”We do not need to see new things. We need to see the same old things with new eyes.” For me that’s the secret. We’re always running off to seek new experiences, when depth of living in the very places and experiences we find ourselves in and have been continually can give us those transfigured moments you speak of. It’s all right there in front of our eyes. Thanks again.


    1. marshmk Avatar

      Don, your comment highlights for me that the “new” is often the enemy of depth. Sometimes we need to just sit in our cell and trust that it will teach us everything.



  8. Greg Estes Avatar
    Greg Estes

    Thank you. Your sermon was very comforting.


    1. marshmk Avatar

      Greg, thanks for your comment. I am glad the sermon was comforting.



  9. […] When Pictures Become Windows – A Sermon on the Transfiguration, Mark 9:2-9 (interruptingthesilence.com) Share this:TwitterFacebookPinterestTumblrRedditStumbleUponLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. […]


  10. roc Avatar

    I have shared this soul searching sermon with us as a family so deep and rich with the current face of world.Thank you and may God’s spirit bring you much joy in your work.


    1. marshmk Avatar

      Thank you Roc.

      Blessings for a holy Lent to you and your family.


  11. Sermons and Reflections on the Transfiguration of Jesus | Interrupting the Silence Avatar

    […] When Pictures Become Windows; […]


  12. ezra Avatar

    You have an interesting observation, about events causing one to see things in a different way. Different portals, as it were. This sermon would benefit the listener even more if it had come back to seeing Jesus as the portal through which we see our lives. Otherwise, the transfiguration is diminished as a group hallucination. The three-d’s were able to see Jesus in a way that did not make sense fully until after the resurrection–which was probably why Jesus forbade them to tell until after his death and resurrection. Can you imagine what went through their minds, when they saw Jesus dying upon the cross: what of the glory? And, after they realized they were seeing Jesus alive on the that resurrection morn? What of the glory? The glory is knowing that God is in control–even in the throes of cancer or the agony of a child’s death. For this he opens the portal for you to see–and to enter in: Christ’s death, his resurrection, his experience of sorrow and glory becoming yours. In faith, always, in Christ.


    1. Michael K. Marsh Avatar

      Thanks, Ezra, for your comment and insights. I certainly agree that Jesus is the lens through which we are to see and live our lives, and the portal that makes transfigured moments possible. The power that transforms pictures into windows is the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. I wish I had been more clear about that in the sermon.

      Peace be with you,


  13. Charme Robarts Avatar
    Charme Robarts

    Very good thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Leslie Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I stumbled upon it quite by accident – or perhaps by divine intervention. It was exactly what I needed to hear today. Your words touched me greatly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Michael K. Marsh Avatar

      Thanks Leslie. I am glad the sermon was timely and relevant for you.

      God’s peace be with you,


  15. texjuns Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I stumbled upon it quite by accident – or perhaps by divine intervention. It was exactly what I needed to hear today. Your words touched me greatly.


  16. Pastor Jan Avatar
    Pastor Jan

    Father Mike, This is the second week your wisdom and interpretation of God’s word has helped propel my sermon. I am so very grateful to have found your sight, and enjoy reading how God speaks to you through his word. You are in the right profession, and many people are blessed through you.
    You and your family are in my prayers.
    Abundant blessings
    Pastor Jan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Michael K. Marsh Avatar

      Pastor Jan, thank you for your encouraging words. I am glad to hear the sermon was helpful. May God bless your words and ministry.

      Peace be with you,


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