Tag: Mark 4:26-34

  • What’s Next? – A Sermon On Mark 4:26-34

    What’s Next? – A Sermon On Mark 4:26-34

    What’s next?  It’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. What’s next for Uvalde? What’s next for me and my priesthood? What’s next for St. Philip’s? What’s next for Cyndy and me in our marriage and life together? What’s next for me and my life as an individual, a human being? What’s next?… Read more

  • God’s Seedy People – A Sermon On Mark 4:26-34

    God’s Seedy People – A Sermon On Mark 4:26-34

    Third Sunday after Pentecost: Proper 6, Year B – Mark 4:26-34, the Parable of the Growing Seed. When you look at your life today, what’s different compared to your life a year ago, three, five, twenty years ago?  I’m not asking about circumstances or events. I am asking about you. In what ways have you… Read more

  • Redbirds, Seeds, and Weeds: What You See Is Not All You Get – A Sermon on Mark 4:26-34; Proper 6B

    The collect and readings for the Third Sunday after Pentecost, Prober 6B, may be found here. The following sermon is based on 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13; 2 Corinthians 5:6-17; and Mark 4:26-34. We live in a world that mostly believes what you see is what you get. We trust our eyes to reveal what is real… Read more

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