Month: June 2020

  • Prophetic Tracks – A Sermon On Matthew 10:40-42

    Prophetic Tracks – A Sermon On Matthew 10:40-42

    I wonder if we have become so accustomed to the way things are that we can no longer see the needs of others, the injustices done to them, or their pain. I wonder if that’s why in the last several weeks so many of us are in shock over what is happening in our country… Read more

  • Jesus’ Line In The Sand – A Sermon On Matthew 10:24-39

    Jesus’ Line In The Sand – A Sermon On Matthew 10:24-39

    Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” I don’t remember struggling more with the gospel than I have in the last few weeks. And I don’t mean struggling to interpret the truth of the gospel. I mean struggling with… Read more

  • “I Can’t Breathe” – A Trinity Sunday Sermon On Matthew 28:16-20

    “I Can’t Breathe” – A Trinity Sunday Sermon On Matthew 28:16-20

    I don’t know and never will know what it’s like to have the knee of a police officer against my neck, but I still can’t breathe. I want to be able to breathe again. I want you to be able to breathe. I want the George Floyds of the world to be able to breathe.… Read more

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