Year: 2016

  • Advent in America: Politics and Baptism – A Sermon on Matthew 24:36-44 for Advent 1A

    Advent in America: Politics and Baptism – A Sermon on Matthew 24:36-44 for Advent 1A

    The First Sunday of Advent – Matthew 24:36-44 Many are saying that the world has changed and that it changed on November the 8th with the election of Mr. Trump as our next president. Some are excited and hopeful about this change. They’ve waited a long time for this day. Others are terrified and dismayed… Read more

  • A Post-Election Prayer for America

    A Post-Election Prayer for America

    O God, you have bound us together in a common life. Help us, in the midst of our struggles for justice and truth, to confront one another without hatred or bitterness, and to work together with mutual forbearance and respect. Grant that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of your favor and glad… Read more

  • Let’s Not Add to the Pain of the World – An All Saints Sermon on Luke 6:20-31

    Let’s Not Add to the Pain of the World – An All Saints Sermon on Luke 6:20-31

    All Saints’ Sunday – Luke 6:20-31 I’m a bit anxious about today’s sermon. I know what I want to talk about and I have a few ideas about what I will say, but I am not sure how it will be heard or received. Given what’s happening in our country today it feels like a… Read more

  • When Life Cuts You Down to Size – A Sermon on Luke 19:1-10

    When Life Cuts You Down to Size – A Sermon on Luke 19:1-10

    Luke 19:1-10; Proper 26C “♫Zacchaeus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he♫.” Some of you may remember that song from your childhood Sunday School. Maybe you even sang it. I’ll spare you my singing of the rest of that song but what I can’t spare you is the fact that… Read more

  • When It’s No Longer My Way or the Highway – A Sermon on Luke 18:9-14

    When It’s No Longer My Way or the Highway – A Sermon on Luke 18:9-14

    Luke 18:9-14 May the Christ in me see and honor the Christ in you, and the Christ in you see and honor the Christ in me. What if that was our expectation every time we met someone? What if that was the attitude underlying our national conversation and our recent presidential debates? What if that… Read more

  • Greed, the Thief of Life – A Sermon on Luke 12:13-21

    Greed, the Thief of Life – A Sermon on Luke 12:13-21

    Sermon on Luke 12:13-21 Have you ever bought new stuff to organize and hold your old stuff in order to make room for more stuff? Do you sometimes find and bring home “good boxes” knowing that someday you’ll probably have some stuff to put in those boxes? Container stores and storage businesses thrive on that… Read more

  • Prayers for France and Turkey (Again)

    Prayers for France and Turkey (Again)

    How long, O Lord, how long? Every week we come to you adding to the list of names; victims, perpetrators, and places of violence and pain in the world. Today we hold before you the people of France and Turkey. Every night we flood our bed with tears and drench our couch with weeping. Our… Read more

  • Where is the Peace of God Today? – A Sermon on Luke 10:1-11, 16-20

    Where is the Peace of God Today? – A Sermon on Luke 10:1-11, 16-20

    Do you want peace for yourself, your friends and family, the world? How do we begin to find that kind of peace in the midst of tragedy after tragedy? Orlando, Istanbul, Baton Rouge, Dallas. The peace we seek is not conditioned on a change in the other’s behavior but a change in our own hearts.… Read more

  • Prayers for Turkey and the World

    Prayers for Turkey and the World

    O Lord of life, the God of our salvation, who bears our burdens: Our world has once again been shaken by violence, gunfire, and explosions; this time at the Istanbul airport. We are weary because of our groaning. Every night we flood our bed with tears and drench our couch with weeping. Our eyes waste… Read more

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