Choosing Like Mary and Martha, A Sermon on Luke 10:38-42

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“There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part.” (From Luke 10:38-42, Proper 11C and the Feast of Mary and Martha.)

Source: Wikimedia Commons
Source: Wikimedia Commons

There have been times when I made a choice and I knew deep within it was the only choice to be made. It was absolutely the right choice. If I could do it all again I would make the same choice and do so with thanksgiving and gratitude. There have also been times when I made what I thought was the right choice but can now see there was a better choice to have been made. I would do things differently if I had the chance to choose again. I suspect most of us could say the same thing.

Too often we equate the choice we make, and its subsequent approval or rejection, with our goodness, our worthiness, our acceptableness, our faithfulness, our lovableness. That’s what most of history has done with Mary and Martha. Mary made the better choice, Jesus says, and we quickly conclude that we should be like Mary, not Martha. We are to sit and listen rather than be active and busy. Mary is equated with the contemplative life and Martha with the active life and much of Christian history has seen the contemplative life as the more perfect life. That’s one reading of this text but is it the only reading, the definitive reading? Is Mary necessarily better, more holy, more loved, more acceptable to Jesus?

If Jesus is saying that Mary, to the exclusion of Martha, is the way we are to be then the next time my wife asks me to run some errands or help with the house cleaning I’ll just tell her, “No babe, you go ahead. I’m going to choose the better part and sit here with Jesus.” I don’t think that is what Jesus is saying and I know my wife doesn’t. Jesus is making an observation, not a judgment.

I don’t think this text is really even about Mary and Martha but about us and the choices we make. That does not mean we are to copy cat Mary. If Jesus wanted us to do that why didn’t he tell us clearly what that “one thing” is? He could have at least given us the five easy steps to choosing the better part, but he didn’t.

Jesus is saying that choices matter. We are always making choices. I wonder how many choices we make each day? Sometimes we choose unconsciously, sometimes quickly and easily, other times with great deliberation and struggle. Some choices are insignificant. They are forgotten the next day. Other choices have great meaning and significance and the consequences are long lasting. Our choices can shape who we are. They can establish in us patterns and habits of how we see and act, the words we speak, and the ways we relate to each other. Our choices can set a trajectory for our life. Our choices make a difference.

In this particular context Mary made the better choice but it was a choice for that time, that place, and those circumstances. Change the setting and Martha’s choice might have been the better part. We can see that in Jesus’ own life. Sometimes Jesus went off by himself to be alone, silent, still, to pray, to sit and listen, to be present to his Father. At those times he was like Mary. Other times Jesus was active, on the move, in the midst of people, and busy teaching, healing, feeding 5000. On those days he was more like Martha.

While we might distinguish between Mary and Martha there is a common theme, presence. Mary and Martha are two ways of being present. Both ways are necessary, faithful, and holy. There is not simply one choice that is to be made for ever and always. We are always to be discerning the one thing needed in this time, this place, these circumstances. What is the better part given our particular situation? How do we be present, show up, to the divine presence that is already and always before us? That’s the question. Some days Mary will be our guide and other days Martha will be our guide. Either way we must choose.

Some days that choice may mean sitting quietly and listening to the heartbeat of God within us, reading and studying, watching a sunset with our spouse, or praying for the world. Other days it may mean speaking words of hope and encouragement, offering actions of compassion and hospitality, seeking forgiveness and making amends, or climbing a tree with our child.

What is the one thing needed right now, in this moment? Not forever or what you think will fix all your problems and let you live happy ever after. Just for now. What is the one thing needed that will keep you awake, aware, open, receptive, and present to Christ? Choose that. That is the better part but hold your choice lightly because there will be another choice to be made after that, and another after that one. We choose our way into life, love, relationships, faith, and even salvation, and the choices matter.

© Michael K. Marsh and Interrupting the Silence, 2009-2024, all rights reserved.

6 responses to “Choosing Like Mary and Martha, A Sermon on Luke 10:38-42”

  1. Duality Avatar

    Dear Father Mike: Enjoyed this sermon! it nicely fills in areas that my parish priest’s sermon on this subject was not able to address.


    1. marshmk Avatar

      Thank you. I am glad the sermon was helpful. I appreciate you reading my blog.



    2. Eda Noyan Avatar
      Eda Noyan

      Thanks sooooo much. It was a very blessing sermon. It has answered all of my questions. Your sermon has guided me through His Word so well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Michael K. Marsh Avatar

        Thank you Eda. I am glad the sermon was helpful to you. I hope your choice reveal life and more life to you and those you meet.

        God’s peace be with you,


  2. Practicing Presence, Disconnect to Connect | Interrupting the Silence Avatar

    […] shows, we must disconnect to connect. That’s what Jesus meant when he told Martha that Mary had “chosen the better part.” That is the practice of presence. Presence can too easily be lost. It’s often lost to our toys […]


  3. Denise A LaChance Avatar
    Denise A LaChance

    Father Mike, I just used a quote from your article for a sermon about this passage (with credit). I looked it up online because I couldn’t find your name on the page I had printed. Then I saw where you serve, in Uvalde. I have prayed for the community, for everyone who has suffered there, as has our church. Our prayers continue and hope for a better way. Coincidentally, I also noticed you were a lawyer at one time, as I was. I am going to follow your blog and thank you for putting your inspiring words where others can read them. Regards, Denise LaChance (Hospice chaplain; UCC minister)


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